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Version 1.1 Release

· 2 min read
Frank Ali
Front-End Developer

It's been a while since I've done a blog update for Fantastic Dice, but I continue to work on this passion project of mine. I'm excited to announce the release of version 1.1. There are some bug fixes and some long overdue features added with this release. Most notable are the addition of a few new themes in the dice-themes repo.

There have been a number of code updates to allow for non-numerical dice themes. Dice Box is now more compatible with dice that have symbols or text for values. To test and showcase this feature, I've implemented a Genesys dice theme, which is a critically-acclaimed narrative dice system. Not only did I revamp the codebase for non-numerical values, but also had to consider dice faces that may contain multiple values. Genesys was a great system to put all that to the test. My long term vision regarding dice with symbols is to provide a platform that makes it easier for indy game developers using custom dice to digitize their products.

Dice themes can now be extended. This means new dice types can be added to a target theme. Under the hood, it provides a way to associate multiple mesh objects with the same theme name. With this feature I've added six sided dice with pips (highly requested) to both the default theme and the smooth theme. Fate dice have also been added to the default theme and the Dice of Rolling theme. Hopefully, there are more dice to come.

There are sill some new demos to be created. I've enjoyed using Code Sandbox for this purpose. I'm also looking into a way to utilize CDNs for dice themes.

Please alert me to any issues you encounter while upgrading. I tried to build in graceful fallbacks so the changes are not breaking changes. Enjoy!