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Version: 0.6

Common Objects

Roll Object

The roll object is whats required by the roll and add methods. At a minimum you must specify the number of sides of the dice to be rolled.

modifier: int, // optional - the modifier (positive or negative) to be added to the final results
qty: int, // optional - the number of dice to be rolled. Defaults to 1
sides: int, // the type of die to be rolled
theme: string, // optional - the theme for this roll

Individual Die Result Object

When die results are returned they will contain the information listed below. Individual die results can then be passed back in to roll, add, reroll and remove methods as the notation argument.

groupId: int, // the roll group this die belongs to
rollId: int, // the unique identifier for this die within the group
sides: int, // the type of die
theme: string, // the theme that was assigned to this die
value: int, // the result for this die

Roll Result Array Object

The results object will contain an array of roll groups and the individual rolls made in those groups. For example, 3d6 would create a roll group with three rolls in it.

{ // the roll group object
id: 0, // the id of this group - should match the groupId of rolls
mods: [], // the roll modifier
qty: int, // the number of dice in this roll
rolls: [ // an array of Die Result Objects
groupId: int,
result: int,
rollId: int,
sides: int,
theme: string,
sides: int, // the type of die used
theme: string // the theme for this group of dice
value: int // the sum of the dice roll results and modifier

The result object for 3d6 will look something like this

groupId: 0,
mods: [],
qty: 3,
rolls: [
sides: 6,
groupId: 0,
rollId: 0,
theme: 'diceOfRolling',
value: 5
sides: 6,
groupId: 0,
rollId: 1,
theme: 'diceOfRolling',
value: 2
sides: 6,
groupId: 0,
rollId: 2,
theme: 'diceOfRolling',
value: 3
sides: 6,
value: 10

What's the difference between groupId, and rollId?

groupId: the roll group this die is a part of. This becomes more useful with the advanced dice roller that accepts notations such as 2d10+2d6. In this case groupId: 0 would be assigned to the 2d10 and groupId: 1 would be assigned to the 2d6

rollId: the id of the die within the group. By default this is incremented automatically by the dice roller, however there are cases where the rollId is assigned, such as exploding die. In this case, in order to make an association between the 'exploder' and the 'explodee' the rollId of the added die is set to a decimal value of the triggering die. For example with 1d6 that explodes twice:

qty: 3,
sides: 6,
mods: [
type: 'explode',
target: null
rolls: [
sides: 6,
groupId: 0,
rollId: 0,
theme: 'diceOfRolling',
value: 6
sides: 6,
groupId: 0,
rollId: 0.1,
theme: 'diceOfRolling',
value: 6
sides: 6,
groupId: 0,
rollId: 0.2,
theme: 'diceOfRolling',
value: 5
id: 0,
value: 17