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Version: 1.0.14



This callback is triggered whenever an individual die has completed rolling and contains the die result object as it's argument.

diceBox.onDieComplete = (dieResult) => console.log('die result', dieResult)


This callback is triggered whenever all the dice have finished rolling and/or the physics simulation has been stopped and contains the roll result object as it's argument.

diceBox.onRollComplete = (rollResult) => console.log('roll results', rollResult)


This callback is triggered whenever a die has been removed from the scene and contains the die result object that was removed as it's argument.

diceBox.onRemoveComplete = (dieResult) => console.log('die removed', dieResult)


This callback is triggered after a theme config file has been successfully fetched and parsed. It contains the theme config data as an argument parameter.

diceBox.onThemeConfigLoaded = (config) => console.log('theme config data', config)


This callback is triggered after the onThemeConfigLoaded is complete and the theme has fetched and loaded all the necessary 3D models, textures, and materials it needs. It contains the theme config data as an argument parameter.

diceBox.onThemeLoaded = (config) => console.log('theme config data', config)