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Version: 0.6

Advanced Roller

The Advanced Roller module is a part of __F__antastic __U__ser __I__nterface package available at @3d-dice/fui. This UI module provides a simple text input field and a clear button. The field is connect to Fantastic Dice Parser. On submit, the field will send the roll notation to FDP to be parsed and will return the result to the callback onSubmit. The clear button will clear out any values stored in the parser and invokes the onClear callback, which is usually a good place to clear your dice-box as well.

Advanced Roller Screenshot


Add the FUI module using

npm install @3d-dice/fui


Then create a new instace of the roller

import { AdvancedRoller } from '@3d-dice/fui'

const Roller = new AdvancedRoller()

Config Options

The AdvancedRoller only has one argument which is a config object

targetstring :dom node selectordocument.bodyThe target DOM node to inject the roller into
onSubmitfunctionnoopcallback triggered on form submit, after notation has been parsed
onClearfunctionnoopcallback triggered when form reset event is triggered
onRerollfunctionnoopcallback triggered when FDP returns reroll results
onResultsfunctionnoopcallback triggered when there are no reRoll results and the final result object has been parsed by FDP


submitFormevent :event - form submitTake the submit event and passes the input notation to FDP. Calls onSubmit callback with results.
clearnoneClears any values stored in FDP. Calls the onClear callback
handleResultsresults :objectPasses roll results object to FDP to check for rerolls. Gets the final parsed results from FDP. Calls onResults callback

Custom Events


When the final results are available, a custom event called resultsAvailable is also dispatched. The final results object can be found on the event.details property.


document.addEventListener('resultsAvailable', (e) => console.log('roll results: ', e.detail))


The advanced roller lets you decide what to do with the results the parser returns.


After the value of the notation input has been processed by FDP, this callback is triggered, passing back the notation object generated by FDP. This can then be passed onto Dice-Box for rolling.


const Roller = new AdvancedRoller({
target: '#roller',
onSubmit: (notation) => {


After clearing out out any values remaining in FDP, this callback is trigger to allow for follow-up actions in the scene


const Roller = new AdvancedRoller({
target: '#roller',
onSubmit: (notation) => {
onClear: () => {
Display.clear() // Display refers to Display Results module available in @3d-dice/fui


When the handleResults method is called FDP will parse rollResults looking for anything that would trigger a reroll. If the right conditions are met then DRP will return an array of dice objects that need a reroll. The array is then passed on to this callback to be handled as you see fit.


const Roller = new AdvancedRoller({
target: '#rollers',
onSubmit: (notation) => {
onClear: () => {
onReroll: (rolls) => {
rolls.forEach(roll => diceBox.add(roll))


This callback is triggered when the handleResults method has determined that there are no reroll results and the final result object has been parsed by FDP. The final result object is passed on to this callback to be handled as you see fit.


const Roller = new AdvancedRoller({
target: '#rollers',
onSubmit: (notation) => {
onClear: () => {
onReroll: (rolls) => {
rolls.forEach(roll => diceBox.add(roll))
onResults: (results) => {
Display.showResults(results) // Display refers to Display Results module available in @3d-dice/fui